Display summary information from Fields in a simple list format. Click on the chevrons to see more data, or click on any row to drill down into the Record
Title: The title is the reference to the Report that will appear in the UI for the users. It will appear in the folders panel for the App and also in the breadcrumb at the top of the page which tells the user where they are on the site.
Identifier: The identifier is a system ID for referencing a Report. This ID must be unique per Report and must contain only letters and numbers starting with a letter. It must also be a minimum of three characters.
Tip - the smaller and more relevant the ID the easier it will be to reference in the future for functionality like export to words
Report Type: You will need to select 'List' under the report type which will then show all the relevant information to fill in for a list report. It may also be useful to try out the new table report that is very similar to a list report but with some new additional features - See here
Group: The report group is used if you need to group reports together. A report group will appear in the folders panel, and reports will drop down below it. In the example below - reports have been grouped into charts, which will be collapsed when the App is first shown, and expandable as required. If no Report Group is required, the report name will show above groups
Parent Field Identifier: This is where the parent Field to appear in the report is selected.
Child Field Identifier: This is where the child Field to appear in the report is selected.
Base Filter: If the report is to always show a subset of records, then the base filter can be used to apply a permanent filter to the report. This filter is always applied, and then user-defined filters and searches are defined on top when the report is being used - For more about configuring base filters click here
Default Report: The default Report is the Report that the user will be directed to the first time that they open the App. If no default has been set then the user will be navigated to the Report with the lowest display order.
Note: Once a user navigates to a different Report, this preference will override the default option the next time they view the App.
Hidden: This will hide the report from all users. It is commonly used whilst a Report is being reconfigured or if a Report needs to be removed temporarily to be reinstated at a later date.
Allow MultiSelect: Enabling this feature allows the user to select multiple records from a List Report so that they can perform bulk operations such as Security, Archive and Export from the report feature menu.
Display Attachments Count: Displays the total number of attachments under the paper clip in the bottom right-hand corner when enabled
Display Comments Count: Displays the total number of comments under the paper clip in the bottom right-hand corner when enabled
Auto Layout Off by Default: Auto layout will automatically size relative to your screen space, column priority decides which fields appeared ahead of others. If turned off you will be able to use the scroll bar to move horizontally across the screen
Report Fields
The Report fields are the Fields that make up the columns in the list Report. The list report is responsive so will initially load with data for the number of columns that it can fit on the screen. For this reason, it is advisable to select Fields that don't contain too much content in such as a Long Text field as these take up a lot of screen real estate. To add a new Report Field click on the 'Add Report Field' button and to remove a Report Field click on the cross at the end of the row for that Field. There are a number of options that can be set for each Report Field.
Column Priority: The column priority is required for the responsive design of the Report. If there are 11 Fields in a report but a user is on a device with a screen size that is only capable if displaying 5 Fields then when the report loads, the Fields with higher column priority will display for the user on a smaller screen. The lower the number, the higher the priority that the Field will be displayed.
Short Label: The Field label assigned when creating a Field is the column heading for the Field in the Report. If a Field has a long Field label then this can be overwritten by adding a Short Label. For example, a field label maybe "What is the value of this project?" which would take up a lot of room as a column heading in a list Report. This could be shortened to "Project Value" by adding this text as a short label.
Sortable: If this property is enabled for a Field, then the user can order the records in the Report by clicking on the column heading for this Field.
Summary Expressions: This can only be seen on number fields, this option gives you the ability to summarise data in columns at the top of the report banner under the column title, and can summarise per grouping if a group filter is applied. Summary options are Sum, Average, Min, Max. Click here to see more
Detail Fields
Detail fields add an extra level of depth to a list Report. The Summary information can be displayed in the Report Fields and then by clicking on the chevron icon at the end of a Report row more information can be displayed for a record without the need to open the Record itself. To add a new Detail Field click on the 'Add Item' button and to remove a Report Field click on the cross at the end of the row for that Field.
Grid Field Data
Grid Field Data is a new way of quickly adding grid field cells to reports. Instead of adding these 1 at a time with a report field, you can now add entire rows or columns in one go. To add these you need to click on the down arrow next to the add button, this will pop up a menu with the option 'Grid Field Data', once you click this the image below will appear.
You'll have the option to choose the grid field you want to add the cells from. Then you can choose the target, this is an option between dataset or subfield, these can be either row or column depending on the orientation of the grid field. This will then show the titles of the rows or columns for the target for you to select from. It will tell you how many new fields will be added to the blue box at the bottom.
Once these are added they will appear in the report fields section below, these new fields will be highlighted green.
Report Visibility
Similar to how app visibility works this can be set to hide your reports from certain users or teams, this can be great for hiding reports from certain teams or guests, for example, if you have employee-based performance reports that you only want management to see so you set it so just that team can see it.
Make sure to click the 'Save' button when making any changes in order for them to be added to the next app version. Once you have made all the changes you need to an application you are then ready to publish it to workspace.
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