The filter feature allows you to choose from a pre-created list of filters or gives you an option to create your own. A filter can group can order Records as well as filter down Records based on field values. Filters can also be saved with specific access rights such as Global, Team and Personal. These are great for getting personalised views of your data.
Creating and Editing Filters
When viewing a Report click on the filter button in the top right of the screen.
^Filter List^
Creating and Editing Filters
Softools' Filter Builder makes life easy when it comes to creating and Editing Filters. These can be for a one-time use, or for repeated future uses if saved.
^Softools' Filter Builder^
Click the '+' at the top of the Filter List to open the Builder.
Filter Builder General Actions:
- Apply the currently configured Filter to the Report - This will not save it.
- Save the currently configured Filter
- Delete the Filter - Use this for previously saved Filters.
- Close the Filter Builder
Configuration Options - Used to make new, and edit previously saved Filters
Sort - Alphabetical, numerical, date-based or other depending on type, search for a Field to order your data by, then select Ascending or Descending.
Group by - Search for a Field to group your data by, then choose for the grouping to appear in an Ascending or Descending manner.
Add Filter -
^Add Filter Menu^
Click on '+ Add Filter' in the Builder to open the above pane
- Type to search all of the Fields and choose one to Filter by.
- Select the type of Filter from a wide range of options - These vary depending on the Field Type (Number, Text, Date, etc..) but examples include:
- Equal to
- Not equal to
- Starts with
- Ends with
- Contains
- Later than
- Earlier than
Finalise by clicking the 'Tick' or 'Cross' to either confirm of cancel the Filtered Field.
Note: You can add multiple Filters of this nature (sub-filters) to the main Filter that is being configured.
Save and Name your Filter
Click the Save icon on the Filter Builder to name and save your new, or edited Filter - Finalise again with the 'Tick' or 'Cross' to confirm or cancel - Some users will only have permissions to save Personal Filters and so may not see save options for Team and Global filters.
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