When creating charts the platform will choose colours at random to be applied to the charts. The colours chosen may not be suitable for the created chart which could confuse users when reading the data. A solution to this is by choosing the colours for the charts using styles within the value section. This feature is enabled by the following charts:
- Basic (Bar, Column, etc)
- Pie
- Cumulative
- Monte Carlo
- Polar
- Gannt
The column chart above is for a To Do app to manage users tasks, where for this chart it shows the users in the X axis and the record count in the Y axis in which the columns indicates a completed or uncompleted record as grey and blue. These colours are not normally used to indicate a completed or not completed tasks and a more appropriate colours could be green or red.
To implement the chart styles, firstly you would need to enter the 'Styles' page and click onto the blue 'Add' button.
Now you will be welcomed to a styles page where you will be asked to create a name which like with field IDs can only contain letters, numbers, underscores and dashes and names must start with a letter and a description in which both will be used to identify the style for selection.
Under the 'Value' tab you can configure the styles for your charts clicking onto 'Add Value Style' which will open up a window to select a name and colour for the style. For the name of the value style, you must use the same name as the series values or the labels of the chart as it will be used to identify which column to apply the style. For example, in the key for the report in the To Do app above it has labels of 'Completed' and 'Not Completed' and the bottom of the report.
Once you have completed adding all the styles you would like to apply to your chart click onto 'Save'.
To select the newly created style to your chart go onto the report you would like to apply the style onto and find the 'Named Style' template near the bottom.
Once the named style pop up is on the screen, you will need to select the chart element in order for value styles to be open for selection.
NOTE: only Chart styles will appear in the list for selection, not standard styles
NOTE : If the style you have created does not appear in the list, you may need to log out and log back in to allow the styles to synchronise as this sometimes takes minutes to do in the background. Logging out and back in will force the synchronisation
By selecting the chart element and the style you have recently created you can click onto 'Save' and publish the changes the colours for the charts should now be changed as specified, if you do not immediately see the changes you may need to log out and log in.
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