How to Add Border Styles to Table Report
Table reports in Softools can be visually enhanced by adding status colors to the borders of each record. This not only improves the aesthetic of the report but also provides an at-a-glance understanding of each record's status.
To watch the video on this, please click here.
Setting up Value Styles:
- Begin by establishing a value style on your site for every status color you'll be using.
- If your multi-state field has a RAG (Red, Amber, Green) subtype, the status options are: "Red", "Amber", "Green", and "Unset".
- For RAGBB, the options expand to: "Red", "Amber", "Green", "Blue", "Black", and "Unset".
Note: It's crucial to ensure correct spelling as these are case-sensitive, so be careful!
When this is set-up, go into your app and to your Table Report. Open the "Named Styles" section like this:
Click add and then add the style to the top section, select border and then the field that this should be based on in the app - so the status field:
Click save and publish.
You will need to log out and back in again because the addition of the value style is a site-level change rather than app-level and so resyncing is not enough to register the change.
Your report will then look like this:
We hope this has helped!
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