Not Equal expressions
Not equal expressions
If you need to need to add an expression that it's based on having content on a text field, the easiest way is by using the <> or the len options.
[ReviewDetails] <> '' --> In this case, the value in this field does not equal empty (no text)
or len([ReviewDetails]) > 0 --> In this case, the value in this field has more than 0 number of characters.
In the first example below, the expression says that if the Result equals NO and the ReviewDetails textfield is empty and the Classification field has a Minor or Minor Repeat or Major or Major Repeat, then, the flag should be Green.
In the first example below, the expression says that if the Result equals NO and the ReviewDetails textfield is not empty and the Classification field has a Minor or Minor Repeat or Major or Major Repeat, then, the flag should be Green.
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