Help Text & Literals
So you’ve created your template and have added all your fields into it. How might you want to add supporting information to helps users of your site? Well, there are two ways of achieving this with Softools through help text and literal fields.
Help Text
Help Texts are used to add information onto the template and are found through the ‘i’ icon. It is best used to provide information about the template itself such as what it is used for.
To add help text onto your template simply go onto App Studio and onto the template you wish to add help text on. On the ‘Edit Template’ page you should find a section called Help Text which is where you add the information, and once that is added and you have saved the template it should now come up on the template.
As you can see in the example above, it is also possible to add HTML tags such as <b></b> which is used to make a word appear bold.
The literal field similarly is used to display information to the users but unlike Help Text it is part of the template. Thus, it can be used to add information about the fields in the templates or any other information you would like to add.
To create a literal field is easy as creating any other field by adding a new field and selecting ‘Literal’ as its field type. Then under ‘Default Value’ add the text which you wish to add then save it. Once that’s completed add it onto the template and position it as desired. As you can see we have all ready started using it on our ABC Learner Journal where under the ‘Learner Journal’ we have added help text and literal field in the template to help with your learning.
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