Taking Advantage of your Copied Clipboard (Windows)
The clipboard on a Windows device is a history of your recent copies, this could be images, text, URLs etc.... If you've ever spent reasonable time in AppStudio, creating new fields with similar IDs or adding reeling datasets to a Grid field then you should know copy and pasting can be a great ally when looking to build more efficiently.
Accessing your clipboard can be seen an evolution of 'Cntrl+c' and 'Cntrl+v', helping you to save additional time by giving the freedom to re-paste not just your last copied item, but any item from a reasonably extensive history of copies. On Windows it is accessed by pressing on your keyboard the Windows Key (or Start button) + v.
^^ An example of my current clipboard - Although only 4 items are visible, many more are in the clipboard available to scroll through.
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