Making Fields and Reports more Visually Dynamic with Icons (Emojis)
By incorporating icons into expressions (mostly in string type fields) you can add colour and a quick visual reference to your data. An example is detailed below from the initial expression and field to how this can add value to a report. Alternatively they can also be used in titles and subtitles of Fields/Reports.
Adding Icons:
Whether typing an Expression, Field label or Report Subtitle etc... in AppStudio the method of adding icons is the same. Simply right-click and select 'Emoji' to bring up the full array of icons, selecting one will then add it to whatever was being typed.
Field & Expression Example:
In this example app, monthly audits give each site a score /100%, the expression incorporates a Green or Red icon relating to the score value for the month and whether or not the particular site has been manually flagged for further analysis.
Report & Subtitle Example:
In the same app as described above you can see how the scores and their icons add a distinct and quick visual reference in a Matrix report when looking at Monthly Scores per Site. Additionally further use has been made of them in the form of a Subtitle Key.
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