How to Add a Google Document to a dashboard
In this post I'm going to be showing you how to add a google document to a dashboard in Softools. Something like this is great for adding in user guides and process documents straight to Softools.
The video showing how to do this is here:
To add google document to a dashboard in Softools you need to use an iFrame
To do this, first go to dashboards in app studio and add a new one, labelling it as you see fit – for this example I have simply used Google Doc
For layout, click 1x1 (1 column and 1 row) and ensure you click “is global” so that this can be seen on a homepage rather than a singular app
Next you need to scroll down to dashboard layout and click the end button of </> as shown:
This allows you to use iFrames where you can embed URLs to access different websites through a Softools dashboard (other examples include YouTube videos)
Go to the website that you want to embed, in this example, google documents.
Open the google document that you want to embed, select file > share > publish to web
Then select embed and publish
You should see this page with the embed link:
Copy this link and delete everything outside of the quotation marks
Create a dashboard and select the required width and height (we suggest 1200 width and 800 height) and select is global
Scroll down and click this button to input the embedding link, set the alignment to centre with a transparent background
Click save
Go to the homepage section of app studio
Create a new homepage and label it as you see fit
At the bottom click the second button to use a dashboard
Select the dashboard you just created and save
Go to your app, sign out and sign back in (for homepages this is required as you cannot simply resync it)
This should now be shown as the dashboard as shown
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