Preventing Duplicate Record Creations
Duplicate Records are never good, simply put they are unwanted clutter and can even make information on Reports / Charts inaccurate. Whilst a User should check for the pre-existing Record, this may not happen.
Therefore below is a way you can build in an automated duplicate check in the context of finding a duplicate contact in a Contacts, Database-type App but this method can be applied to other use cases, Audits, other Database-type Apps etc...
Please view this video for a visual walkthrough.
Fields Required:
- Email [Email] - Original entry field for the Contacts Email, visible in Records
- Text [LookUpDuplicate] - With expression: lookup('Contacts','[Email]','Email','Email','',true) - This will return the pre-existing contact's email if found or nothing if not
- Bit [DuplicateBit] - With expression: if(len([LookUpDuplicate]) > 1, true, false)
Workflow Required (only for Auto-Archiving mentioned below):
- Record Created - Archive Action with Filter Node [DuplicateBit] = true
- Note: The field that the duplicate check is run against, in this instance [Email] should be a 'Required Field' in order for the Workflow to prevent the creation of duplicates
Optional Additions:
Please view this video for a visual walkthrough of the additional options.
- Automatic Archiving of duplicate Records
- Report Base Filter to exclude duplicates
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