ADFS is Active Directory Federation Services which is a component of Windows Server operating systems that offers a connection to give users authenticated access to Applications such as Softools.
If you are using ADFS and would like to enable the authentication method for your Site to connect via Active Directory Federation Services you will need to run a script in your ADFS in order to allow Softools to use the connection. The following information will enable you to set this up as a single sign on:
Relying party WS-Federation Passive protocol URL:
Relying party trust identifier
Documentation for running the script to enable Softools as a known Application for the Connection can then be found here
Once you have completed the steps above we will be able to configure the ADFS Connection so that it can be used as the authentication method for your Site.
In order for us to do this we will need to be provided with either:
ADFS url OR Federation Metadata file
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