Creating a knowledge Cube for your site
A knowledge cube is an app on your site that can be used to store key information for your users.
This information should be specific to your site and so this post will be a general overview of what you could include.
Fields we recommend:
Text fields:
- Brief Title
Date fields:
- Date Created
- Date Updated
Long Text Fields:
- Description
Selection Fields (and their options):
- Category
People and Performance
Risk Management
Strategy - Resource Type
Expert Voice
Quick Tip
Story/Case Study
Web Link
Image Lists:
- Resource Type Image
Corresponding images/icons for each of the sections of resource type - e.g. FAQ, Glossary etc...)
Person field:
- Subject Matter Expert/User Who Created the Resource
Email Fields:
- User's Email
- Email to Send to
URL Fields:
Image Fields:
- Image
Action Fields:
- Send Email
These fields can then be arranged into a template as you see fit and this will allow users to select what the record type is and how it should be used.
This means that some records may just contain a URL and another one may just be a description. You can hide and show fields in accordance to the type of record so that if they select URL, then you would just have the title, type (and image list for this), description and URL field so that there are no redundant fields. This would be done through adding rules to the app - for more information on rules, see the support article here - and then for the case study of how this can be implemented into your apps, see the community post here.
You can then collect information from your users on what they may find useful - e.g. they have some questions that could be classified as FAQs or they are unsure of how the apps are best used which can be a quick tip.
You could even use a google form to collect what the users would want in the Knowledge Cube which can then be implemented by yourself/another admin user. (For information on how to embed a google form into Softools, see here.)
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