Formatting to 2 Decimal Places
In this post, I will be looking at how to get to two decimal places using two different methods, one left aligned to a field and the second right-aligned to the field.
There is currently formatting for two decimal places available using {0:N2} which is what I would advise you to use because when trying to get two decimal places the field keeps the original value stored so if you use this field in an expression it will use the non-formatted value which would be more accurate. But when formatting is added it is aligned to the left side of the field as this formatted value is text.
You can align the number to the right of the field using the round expression, Round([Number], 2) which will round the field to 2 decimal places and align to the right side of the field. This won't have the zeros for each unit as formatting does. When it rounds the third decimal place up and the second decimal place is a 9 it will round to one decimal place, i.e 13.398 will show up as 13.4, not 13.40. This method will also affect an accurate outcome if the rounded field is used in other expressions, it will use 13.4, not 13.398.

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