String Expressions
Concatenating strings: When you want to make a string value a combination of fixed text and or other string values, use concatenation within the expression:
[StringField1] + '-' + [StringField2] + '-' + [StringField3] + '-' + YEAR([DateField1])
Returns a number value as a string.
Substring([TextField1], StartFrom, NumberOfChars)
Returns part of a string field, where the first parameter is the field being looked at, the second is the starting position, and the the third parameter is the number of characters needed to return
NOTE: if the string is not long enough, an error is returned, so you may need to use Len() first e.g. If(Len([FieldName]) > 50, Substring([FieldName], 0, 50), [FieldName])
Returns a numeric value representing the number of characters in a text field.
For example, in the example below, the value will be the fist 60 characters in the text field [Question].
if(LEN([Question])<60, [Question],Substring([Question], 0, 60))
stringReplace([TextField], 'valueToReplace','valueToReplaceWith)
Takes a string value from a Field and replaces where the text in parameter two appears with the text in parameter three. If the value in [Title] is 'Mark to assess Risk'
stringReplace([Title], 'Mark', 'John') would give 'John to assess Risk'
Using stringReplace() to identify text contained within other text
The string replace function can also be used to identify if any text is contained within a value in another Field
For example, if we want to know if [TextField] with value 'some text' contains 'some'
if([TextField] = stringReplace([TextField], 'some', 'match'), false, true)
Or case insensitive:
if(toUpper([TextField]) = toUpper(stringReplace([TextField]), 'some', 'match'), false, true)
Adding a Line Break to an Expression
To add a line break to your text expression you can use @"'\n'" in between where you want the break with a + on either side, this need to be used in a long text box as this can be pulled down to other lines. Example below:
'abc' + @"'\n'" + 'def'
The above expression should come out as:
Record Creator and Editor
CreatedBy() : Using this function returns the User ID of the user who created the record. ( Primarily used in Person Fields)
CreatedByUser() : Using this function returns the name of the User who created the record as text.
UpdatedBy() : Using this function returns the user ID for the latest entry in the activity stream. ( Primarily used in Person Fields)
UpdatedByUser() : Using this function returns the name of the User for the latest entry in the activity stream as text.
App IDs
id(): returns the current record ID (as a string).
appIdentifier(): returns the current app identifier (as a string.)
parentAppIdentifier(): returns the app identifier of the parent record (as a string) or the empty string if there is no parent record.
parentId(): returns the parent record ID (as a string) or the empty string if there is no parent record.
uuid(): Returns a random string of characters that can be used as a unique identifier - we suggest using this over the auto number field option if you want a guaranteed unique identifier
Email Addresses
useremail([PersonField]): Returns the email address of the Person / User in the referenced Person Field
Note: This function is not available on Public Sites.
ToUpper() and ToLower()
ToUpper([FieldName]), will convert "Joe Bloggs" to "JOE BLOGGS"
ToLower([FieldName]), will convert "Joe Bloggs" to "joe bloggs"
Numeric Expressions
Round([FieldName]): Rounds a value to the nearest integer or specified number of decimal places.
e.g. Round([FieldName], 2)
If [FieldName] had a value of 130.34567, the resulting value of Round would be 130.35
Double([StringField]): Returns the string as a number
Int([StringField]): Returns the string as an integer (Whole Number)
PoW([NumberField], 2): Returns the value of the Number Field to the Power of 2
Sqrt([NumberField]): Returns the square root of a specified number or numeric field
Log([NumberField],10): Returns the logarithm of a specified number or numeric field
Log10([NumberField]): Returns the base 10 logarithm of a specified number or numeric field
Truncate([NumberField]): Returns the Calculates the integral part of a number or numeric field
Make sure to click the 'Save' button when making any changes in order for them to be added to the next app version. Once you have made all the changes you need to an application you are then ready to publish it to workspace.
Note on Field Dependencies - Read more here
Field dependencies are by definition the other field(s) that are reliant on a given field, usually dependent fields are interlinked to one another by expressions and are indicated by an atom symbol. They are a crucial tool when looking to delete Fields within an App or, when it comes to understanding the structure and data flows of an App.
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