Recommended fields for an app
Creating an app can be a daunting task and so here are some recommended fields that we suggest you include:
ID field
This can be used to create a number for each of your records.
This is done through the auto number function where each number is attached to a record, according to the order that they were created. This allows you to keep track of your data and reference a record by its unique value.
For more information on ID fields, please look at this community post:
Created Date field
This field keeps track of when the record was created. This is done through adding a date field and then writing:
Into the expressions section.
For more information, please click here:
Created by field
This field keeps track of who created the record. This is done through a person field with the expression:
For more information, please click here:
Updated date field:
This is a date field that records when the record has last been updated. The expression for this is :
For more information, please click here:
Updated by field:
Similarly, this keeps track of who updated the record last. This is a person field with the expression:
For more information please click here:
Some optional fields that we suggest are:
Year Month Field:
This is used to show the year and month a date field was set on, this is great for grouping reports. The expression is:
if(isValidDate([DateField]), string(Year([DateField])) + '-' + if(month([DateField]) < 10, '0', '') + string(Month([DateField])), '')
Year Week Field:
This is used to show the year and week a date field was set on, this is great for grouping reports. The expression is:
if(isValidDate([DateField]), string(Year([DateField])) + '-' + if(weekNum([DateField]) < 10, '0', '') + string(weekNum([DateField])), '')
Year Field:
This shows what year the date field was set on. The expression is:
if(isValidDate([DateField]), string(Year([DateField])), '')
App Name Field:
This is a text field that has an expression of the app name in it for referencing apps, for example if you have an action app linked under 12 other apps you may want to track what app the actions were created under
Expression: ‘App Name’
('App Name' will be whatever you name your app)
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