If() and isNull() Statements




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    Permanently deleted user

    Hello, could you add an example for the below please?

    Note: Isnull() only checks to see if the value for a Field is null, it doesn't account for a blank value for a Field. For example if checking whether a text field is null or empty string it would need something like if(isnull([TextField],'')='',... at the start of the expression or for a bit field being null or false if(isnull([BitField],false) = false,.... 

    For example, what would it be the expression for number of days ranges on a scenario where a ticket is open and we are counting the number of days it is open for. Then, we classify those days into categories of <5 days, <15 days and >15 days.

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    Max Bateson

    @... I have logged this as an example to be added

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