App developers can create templated Word Reports that when run will populate a Word document with data. This can be achieved at different levels to obtain Record level information, Report level information and also information for multiple Reports across the Site.
More info on creating a Template Word Report here: How do I create a Template Word Report?
Wherever the word export can be used, the user has the option of selecting the result of that output to be in PDF instead. The Softools platform has a Word to PDF convertor built in, so that the word document is created and then converted to pdf and sent back to the user.
Exporting Templated Reports
A Record level Word export can contain the values from Fields in that record. This way you can export a paper copy of the data to distribute internally or to a client when required.
To export the Word Report, first access the Record that you would like too get the data from and then select Export from the Record ellipsis in the top right hand corner and select the option export. This will open an Export pane where you choose your export type and confirm. There is also and option to name the file exported at the top over the window as well.
Once Confirmed, your download will be available in your notifications. This can be accessed by clicking on the bell icon in the top right hand corner. To download the export, press the download button as shown in the red square below.
Note: If Export Job is stuck on running... Refresh the page.
This is an example of a KPI that has been exported to a Word Report. It contains values from the key Fields to classify the KPI and also an In-App Chart with data from a grid tracking Monthly values for the KPI. It could also include Reports from Child Application such as a List of associated RAID items or summary of number of Actions by Owner.
Exporting a Report
To export a record, select the checkbox to the corresponding records you would like to export.
If you would like to export all records, click on the master checkbox (as highlighted in purple in the screen capture above) which will select all records. Once you have selected your records, click on the ellipsis in the top right hand corner and select the option export.
You will then be presented with this modal:
Export Options
Filename (optional): This optional field is used to name the exported file.
Export Type: This field will determine what file type the export will be saved as.
This can be a CSV, Combined word template and Combined PDF template
Report Fields Only: This field when ticked will print out only the fields that were specified in the report view. When unchecked, it will print out all of the data of the records chosen. This only applies to report CSVs only
If you are exporting on a Combined word template you will get an option to select the template you want to export or the default template
Our example here shows multiple Charts from a Work Plan app exported to give a summary view across all Work Plans. It then also exports a list of the WorkPlans with the key info for each one.
Tips & Tricks:
- There is an option to save the word templated report as a PDF in Export Type.
- If data that is being exported contains any characters outside the ASCII set then the export can only be opened with a program that can handle Unicode characters(Eg. Google sheets). Ensure to save as CSV UTF-8 when re-importing to Softools if it contains any Unicode characters.
- You can export a record in record view and in list report view!
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