The Softools platform has some features and functionality which helps the administrators of a site be compliant with some of the GDPR regulations around processing and controlling of personal data.
General Terms
User Sign Up and acceptance of terms of use:
The article linked to below allows a site administrator to specify a sign up message which ALL users have to accept before using the platform. Upon sign up, the User profile of that user stores a record of exactly when the messages was accepted, and what the content of the messages was at the time (as the message may change).
Setting up User specific GDPR/Data Privacy access policy
Public Vs Private Sites
Our platform offers two types of site configurations: public and private. Understanding the differences between these configurations is essential for managing access, enhancing collaboration, and maintaining security.
To see more on this please click here.
Personal Identifiable Information
Change Log (Activity Stream) User Profile data
All changes to record data are recorded in the activity stream, which stores for reference the user (first and last name) who made the change and the new value of the field which was changed.
Under GDPR legislation, a user may request that their name is removed from this history if they leave the company.
Simply altering a retired User's last name can aid with this:
When the user profile is changed so that the first name and last name changes, those new details are shown in the history (activity stream). These changes are never lost, as a record of changes to data is always kept as an audit. So an example of the activity stream data (accessed through the history menu option) within a record, shows the following:
After changing my user profile last name from "Theobald" to "Anonymous", the history screen now shows:
Note: The 'Activity' information will reflect the changes with immediate effect, however a log out and in is required for 'Created By' and 'Modified By' to also reflect these changes.
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