Importing users is the most efficient way of adding multiple users to a site at once via a .csv file. The following is the template for the import file, where each column is a user profile field and each row is a new user account. The minimum requirements to create the user again; a valid username, first name, last name and email address but it is advisable to fill in as much information as is available at the time.
Using a new user .csv template
Attached to this article is a template that you can use for creating your new users. Each column heading in the file is a property for the user account. To add a user fill in the information beneath these headings where each account becomes a new row in the .csv file.
Our template contains the most common properties that are used when adding new users to a site. If any of the columns are unnecessary for your site then we recommend removing these from the import file.
Adding users to the .csv file
To add a user add all the necessary properties as a row in the .csv. The minimum Fields required to add a new user are Username, Email, FirstName, LastName and TeamNames if there are Teams on your site.
Our .csv user import template contains a couple of example rows. Overwrite these with information of your new users and then add more rows for additional users.
Username: The Username must be unique as this will be used to log in to the site. It must contain only lowercase letters and numbers, starting with a letter and also be at least three characters long. Once set the username cannot be changed. Commonly this will be a concatenation of the First and Last name on the account.
FirstName & Last Name: The first and last name on the account will be used when the Account appears in Person selection Fields and will also be used to personalise the experience for the user. Each name must be a minimum of two characters. The text for First and Last name can be updated after creation.
Email: Each account will need a unique email account assigned to their account. This will be used to send a verification email for the account and will also be used to send any emails generated by the platform, including notifications of exports or email workflow alerts sent out when Records require attention. The email can be changed after creation but will require the user to confirm this change by entering their password in a change email verification email sent to the user on import before the account will be updated with the new value.
TeamNames: This allows users to be added to the correct team or multiple teams. Enter the team name you would like the user added to, or for multiple teams separate team names with a comma. Note: If teams have been created on the site then it is necessary for the user to be a member of at least one.
Permissions: Permissions determine the actions that the User will be able to perform such as adding new records, updating the site settings or making changes to applications. The appropriate permissions for the user can be assigned here. These are by referencing the permission code in an array of the form [{"Code":1001}, {"Code":1002},…, {"Code":3001}] where each code is an individual permission. A full list of these permissions can be found here in User Permission Codes explained. The example given in the template is the basic quick permission set.
Organization, Department, Location, JobTitle and Notes: These fields accept any text and can be used to classify groups of users. These properties will not change the users experience or access but will be useful as they can be used by administrators to search for users in the settings area.
Importing the .csv file to add users
Once you are happy that the .csv file contains all the account information needed for the new users you can import the file to create them. First click on the launchpad and then COG icon to access the Settings area. Open the 'User Settings' App and from the screen with the list of users, click on the feature menu in the top right of the screen '...' and select Import.
This will open a pane where you will be able to select the .csv file for import. Either drag and drop the file from your document folder into the drag and drop box, or there is the option to 'choose file' which will open you browser file explorer where you can select the correct .csv. This will start the import process and you will be notified of progress via the notification bell and if you have desktop notifications enabled by those as well.
This will generate a verification email to each User in the import file where they can then complete their account creation by setting their account password. For instructions on how the Users complete the creation of their account, direct them to our support article on Verifying your Softools Account.
To check the progress of an import you can use the Import Summaries area. In the site settings area, select the Import Summaries App. It will show you key information such as number of added and updated accounts as well as identify if there were any errors for a row that prevented an add or update. Look at our article on Import Summaries for more information.
- If not used reminders are sent every Monday for 4wks after the 1st
- During this resend period only the most recent email link is valid
- If still unused by the 4th resend, the link in this final email stays valid for 100days
- After this point a manual resending of the invite email would be required
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