Title: The title is the reference to the Report that will appear in the UI for the users. It will appear in the left pane menu for the App and also in the breadcrumb at the top of the page which tells the user where they are on the site.
Sub Title: The subtitle is a banner that appears at the top of the screen beneath the title that allows you to give a short description the report, this can be useful for keys and user audience.
Note: emojis can be a great visual, for example, RAG Keys 🔴🟠🟢. To find these use hold down Windows + .
Identifier: The identifier is a system ID for referencing a Report. This ID must be unique per Report and must contain only letters and numbers starting with a letter. It must also be a minimum of three characters.
Group: The report group is used if you need to group reports together. A report group will appear on the left pane, and report show below it. In the example below - reports have been grouped into 3 sets, which will be collapsed when the App is first shown, and expandable as required. If no Report Group is required, the report name will show above groups
Is Default: The default Report is the Report that the user will be directed to the first time that they open the App. If no default has been set then the user will be navigated to the Report with the lowest display order.
Note: Once a user navigates to a different Report, this preference will override the default option the next time they view the App.
Is Hidden: This will hide the report from all users. It is commonly used whilst a Report is being reconfigured or if a Report needs to be removed temporarily to be reinstated at a later date.
Base Filter: If the report is to always show a subset of records, then the base filter can be used to apply a permanent filter to the report. This filter is always applied, and then user-defined filters and searches are defined on top when the report is being used - For more about configuring base filters click here
Target Click-Through Report: This is where you can select a List Report for the user to drill down into to display more information about the Records that meet the criteria for that Matrix cell. It will apply the appropriate filters to that List Report to only show the relevant records. This can make an effective navigation tool for the App. This is only relevant when a count is being used in the check
X-Axis Field: The values from the chosen field will make up the column headings for the matrix
Y-Axis Field: The values from the chosen field will make up the row headings for the matrix.
Cell Type: There are two options for the information that is displayed in a matrix Report. If 'Count' is selected then the cells will contain the number of records that match the X and Y matrix Field values. If 'FieldDetail' is selected then a value for each Record will display in a list for that cell.
Details Field: This property is relevant if you have selected 'FieldDetail' as the cell type for the matrix. It will be the value for this Field for Records that is displayed in the Matrix cells.
Cell Background Colour Field: This dropdown will show all the RAG/RAGBB fields, these fields will decide the background of the cell. This can really bring a matrix to life and point out key failure points for you to click straight through to record
Note: The colours for the matrix report is only available for offline apps in which you can enable it from the configure page.
Row & Column Totals: This can be used to show Totals for the rows, columns or both for the matrix.
Report Visibility
Similar to how app visibility works this can be set to hide your reports from certain users or teams, this can be great for hiding reports from certain teams or guests, for example, if you have employee-based performance reports that you only want management to see so you set it so just that team can see it.
Make sure to click the 'Save' button when making any changes in order for them to be added to the next app version. Once you have made all the changes you need to an application you are then ready to publish it to workspace.
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