Basic Information
In every app-building journey, one common element is the basic information template associated with each report. This universal component is designed to collect standard details each report necessitates for an optimal build. Careful attention to detail is crucial when filling in this area. The information provided here lays the groundwork for the app, influencing future changes and modifications when referencing exports and imports. When completed with care, this process will greatly streamline any subsequent adjustments made by you or other app builders. Thorough and accurate input today will pave the way for easier updates and enhancements in the future, saving you time and ensuring consistency across your app-building endeavours.
All Report Types
- Title: Displayed prominently in the UI, it assists users in recognizing your report. You'll spot this title in the Folders panel associated with the app, as well as in the breadcrumb navigation at the top of the screen. The breadcrumb is particularly helpful as it guides users by indicating their current location within the site.
- Subtitle: This is a supplementary text that offers additional context or a brief summary of the report. While the title provides a high-level identification, the subtitle dives a little deeper, giving users a clearer snapshot of the report's content or its significance. It can be particularly useful when the title needs to be succinct, allowing the subtitle to carry more detailed information or a clarifying remark. For instance, if the title is "Annual Sales," the subtitle might be "Comparing revenue growth across regions."
- Identifier: This serves as the technical ID for your report and is crucial for backend references. A few rules for crafting the perfect identifier:
- It must be distinct for each report.
- Begin with a letter and use only alphanumeric characters.
- Ensure it's at least three characters long.
- Report Type: This denotes the type of report you selected, whether it's a chart, matrix, or another form. Choose wisely, as this cannot be altered once set. Your selection here is influenced by the report option you picked earlier.
- Card
- Charts
- Dashboard
- Matrix
- Table
- Report Folder: Want to categorize your reports? Use the report folder. In the folders panel, these grouped reports will be nested under your chosen folder name and can be expanded with a click. If you don't wish to use a report folder, the standalone report name will be displayed above other grouped ones.
- Is Default: Consider this the "welcome mat" for your users. If marked as the default, users will be directed to this report the first time they launch the app. Without a designated default, the system guides users to the report which is highest in your display order.
- Is Hidden?: A handy toggle for your report's visibility. Activating this will shield the report from all users—ideal for times when a chart is undergoing modifications or if a report needs a brief hiatus, with plans to reintroduce it later.
Varied Depending on the Report Type
- Chart Type: Discover the wide array of chart formats available. The type you selected earlier will be displayed here. Remember, once set, this choice is final and cannot be adjusted later.
In-App Data Source Field: Elevate the functionality of specific chart types by utilizing data from Grid Fields. This feature is instrumental in generating In-App Charts. Simply designate which Grid Field will supply the data by selecting it as the In-App Data Source Field.
Background Image URI: Customize the ambiance of your chart with a background image. Input the image's Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) - a unique string of characters used to identify a resource, commonly on the internet. This tool enables you to, for instance, demarcate zones within the chart or infuse a touch of brand-specific aesthetics. Need more guidance on its application? Click here.
Target Click-Through Report: This feature enhances user navigation within your app. 'Target Click-Through' empowers you to link a chart to a detailed table report. When users click on specific portions of the chart, they're directed to this table report which showcases in-depth details about records that match the criteria. This table automatically filters its content to spotlight only the pertinent records.
Height: Determine the vertical dimension of your chart. Adjusting the height can influence the overall readability and presentation of your chart. Whether you're aiming for a concise overview or a sprawling detailed graph, ensure the height accommodates the data in a way that's clear and visually engaging for users. Strike a balance; an overly tall chart may lead to excessive scrolling, whereas a compact one might congest data points.
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