Display an editable table of record data with the option of sticky columns and rows. Allows quick data entry with tabbing between fields and instant save
Title: The title is the reference to the Report that will appear in the UI for the users. It will appear in the left pane menu for the App and also in the breadcrumb at the top of the page which tells the user where they are on the site.
Sub Title: The subtitle is used as a longer description of the report and is shown in the head of the report
Identifier: The identifier is a system ID for referencing a Report. This ID must be unique per Report and must contain only letters and numbers starting with a letter. It must also be a minimum of three characters.
Group: Where there are many reports for an app, they can be grouped so that they appear as a section of reports under a drop-down menu on the left of the app page where the reports appear - Apps with the same group name appear within a group of the same name
Base Filter: If the report is to always show a subset of records, then the base filter can be used to apply a permanent filter to the report. This filter is always applied, and then user-defined filters and searches are defined on top when the report is being used - For more about configuring base filters click here
Edit Mode
- Switch - allow a switch on the report so that the user can go between edit mode and non-edit mode
- Always - always been in edit mode and don't allow the user to change that
- Never - always be in non-edit mode and don't allow the user to switch to edit mode
Is Default?: The default Report is the Report that the user will be directed to the first time that they open the App. If no default has been set then the user will be navigated to the Report with the lowest display order.
Note: Once a user navigates to a different Report, this preference will override the default option the next time they view the App.
Is Hidden?: This will hide the report from all users. It is commonly used whilst a Report is being reconfigured or if a Report needs to be removed temporarily to be reinstated at a later date.
Allow MultiSelect?: Enabling this feature allows the user to select multiple records from a List Report so that they can perform bulk operations such as Security, Archive and Export from the report features menu.
Report Fields
The Report fields are the Fields that make up the columns in the list Report. The table report is different to the list report in that it is not responsive, so the widths of these columns are defined for each column and the user will therefore see a horizontal scroll bar depending on the size of the screen being used.
To add a new Report Field click on the 'Add Report Field' button and to remove a Report Field click on the cross at the end of the row for that Field. There are a number of options that can be set for each Table Report Field.
Column Order: The column order can be changed by moving the columns up and down the list of columns by dragging and dropping the left icon on the row. The order in which they are displayed in the list of columns is the order in which those columns will appear to the user on the report
Parent Field: The ID of the field which is selectable from a drop down of the list of fields in the app - Use type ahead to find the field you want before pressing enter
Short Label: If you want the column heading to show something other than the label for the field (typically if you want a shorter label in the report) then enter an override here - if nothing is entered then the label for the field will be used
For example, a field label may be "What is the value of this Project?" which would take up a lot of room as a column heading in a list Report. This could be shortened to "Project Value" by adding this text as a short label.
Alignment: Option to specify left, centre or right alignment of the data for this field when displayed in the report
Sortable: If this property is enabled for a Field, then the user can order the records in the Report by clicking on the column heading for this Field.
Hidden: Use this option to define a field in a report that is not shown in the report
Disable Edit: Use this option if you do not want the user to be able to edit the data in this column, even if the data is editable on the record itself
Grid Field Data
Grid Field Data is a new way of quickly adding grid field cells to reports. Instead of adding these 1 at a time with a report field, you can now add entire rows or columns in one go. To add these you need to click on the down arrow next to the add button, this will pop up a menu with the option 'Grid Field Data', once you click this the image below will appear.
You'll have the option to choose the grid field you want to add the cells from. Then you can choose the target, this is an option between dataset or subfield, these can be either row or column depending on the orientation of the grid field. This will then show the titles of the rows or columns for the target for you to select from. It will tell you how many new fields will be added to the blue box at the bottom.
Once these are added they will appear in the report fields section below, this new fields will be highlighted green.
Sticky Configuration
Always Sticky: If this is selected then this column will always be visible on the page and if a horizontal scroll bar is present, when the user scrolls, this column will remain visible on the left. Note that only left most columns should be set as sticky as only the left columns will remain sticky. This is useful if you want to always see the "project ID" on the left while you scroll to the right to update other information on the project
Sticky Width Pixels: If the column is not "Always Sticky" then adding a value in pixels here allows a responsive element for the columns to remain sticky if possible
Column Width Configuration
Use Fixed Width: This option allows a fixed width to be set for a column which will not change responsively. A fixed width can be set using one of the predefined set (these may be changed in the future) -
- Tiny (60 pixels)
- Small (100 pixels)
- Medium (200 pixels) - this is the default value if not is specified
- Wide (400 pixels)
- Min Size - This is the minimum size the column will be even if the screen size is small. If all the minimum widths for all columns add up to more than the screen width then you will see a horizontal scroll bar. For Min size you select one of the standard set above (Tiny/Small/Medium/Wide)
- Min Pixels - as above but you specify an actual pixel amount, such as 150, or 600
Max: (this is only applied where Elasticity below is used on a field)
- Max Size - This is the maximum size the column will expand to if elasticity is used to expand the column when there is available space. For Max size you select one of the standard set above (Tiny/Small/Medium/Wide)
- Max Pixels - as above but you specify an actual pixel amount, such as 150, or 600
Elasticity: This value is used in conjunction with the Max value. If after all columns have been placed there is spec on the right, then the elasticity value defines which columns will expand to fill the space (up to any maximums value set). If more than one column has elasticity defined then the spare space will be shared between those with an elasticity value set. The spare space is shared proportionately between columns depending on the value of the Elasticity. e.g. if there were 2 columns which had elasticity values of 10 and 20, then Field 1(10) would have 33% of the space, and field 2(20) would have 66%. The value specified for elasticity has no meaning other than relating to the proportion of other values, so in the case above if Field 1 had 1000 and field 2 had 2000, the outcome would be the same.
(You will only see this option if Quick Filters is enabled for the App)
Lenses is a new feature which is coming to Softools. Lenses consist of a sub report of a report which acts just like a filter with a pre base filter applied to it. Therefore it will show records which meet the criteria applied to the Lenses section in AppStudio.
In order to access lenses, the user has to go to the Report section, and then once selected the report type, scroll down towards the end where a new template called Lenses (Preview).
Once 'Add Lens' has been clicked by the user a new panel will open showing multiple boxes.
- Identifier: This is the identifier given the new lens.
- Title: This is the name for the lens being created.
- Grouping: Here the user will be able to assign a field for which the records that meet criteria are grouped depending on the value they have. This can only be set once and it cannot be changed within Workspace Platform.
- Group By Descending: This allows the user to group the records in descending order.
- Sorting: Optional Default Sorting for Report. Applied to the Report when navigated to it within Workspace Platform, allows for the users to change the Sort to another Field or unset it.
- Select Lens Filter Field: Here the user selects the field for which the filter will be applied. User can select a comparison from : Equals or Not Equals, and a Value depending on the options available E.G. Red, Amber or Green for a multi status field.
Once this configuration is done the user will then be able to go to WorkSpace and find Lenses within a report with the records which meet the criteria. Furthermore, if the user is to click on filters when in a lens report the filter options will only apply to the corresponding field alternatives which are possible.
Note: Lenses can only be applied if the new filters are enabled.
Utilize this feature to initiate a custom pop-up template directly from a report. It offers a swift glance at data and enables easy edits without diving deep into individual records or navigating various forms. This boosts efficiency and user experience.
Action Type: Specifies the event that prompts the action, e.g., clicking on the record.
Action Button: Choose the specific action field dictating the intended response, such as "open pop template".
Note: you can have multiple actions on a report by adding the actions directly as report fields.
Grouping is a feature in table report which allows for the table to show in groups of records dependent on a chosen field for which the records want to be grouped or separated E.G. Records to be grouped dependent on the % of completion of a Harvey Ball.
The user will have to access the Reports section in AppStudio and go towards the bottom of the page where a sub section called Base Filter, Grouping & Sorting (Peview) is.
The user will then be able to choose the field which wants to be grouped by and also whether the records should show in Descending order by toggling the option Group By Descending? .
Once the field has been chosen, the user returns to WorkSpace and refreshes the App, the table report will now be grouped in different sub tables with all the records which have the same value grouped together contrasted to the other ones which have a different value which will be grouped correspondingly on other groups.
Groups are now shown inline with a scrollbar which covers all records in the view.
Note: There is a limit of 100 groups in online apps, beyond that records are shown ungrouped.
Report Visibility
Similar to how app visibility works this can be set to hide your reports from certain users or teams, this can be great for hiding reports from certain teams or guests, for example, if you have employee-based performance reports that you only want management to see so you set it so just that team can see it.
- Always specify a min size so that the columns will not shrink beyond where they will be readable
- set maximum sizes for those fields which will always be the same width (dates, ID's etc) so that text-based fields will grow to show more content
- Keep any sticky columns to low width so that people on small screens or mobile devices will be able to use the report effectively
Make sure to click the 'Save' button when making any changes in order for them to be added to the next app version. Once you have made all the changes you need to an application you are then ready to publish it to workspace.
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