A Dashboard Report is a really powerful tool for displaying multiple Charts and Reports on the same screen. This could be used to give an overall summary of affairs, or perhaps used for a more specific purpose such as an array of performance indicators. Either way Softools does not limit the number of Dashboards you can configure and even allows them to be displayed at the Homepage level.
To add as an app report, click on the 'Add' button in reports within an app in App Studio. Then under 'Report Type' select Dashboard then select the appropriate dashboard from the 'Use Dashboard' section. If you would go to reorder the order of the reports you can do so by dragging and dropping the reports with the ordering tiles to the left of the report.
Report Identifier: The identifier is a system ID for referencing a Report. This ID must be unique for each Report and must contain only letters and numbers starting with a letter. It must also be a minimum of three characters.
Title: The title is the reference to the Report that will appear in the UI for the users. It will appear in the left pane menu for the App and also in the breadcrumb at the top of the page which tells the user where they are on the site.
Subtitle: The subtitle can be used as a short explanation of the Report and will display below the title on the dashboard.
Report Group: The report group is used if you need to group reports together. A report group will appear on the left pane, and reports show below it. In the example below - reports have been grouped into 3 sets, which will be collapsed when the App is first shown, and expandable as required. If no Report Group is required, the report name will show above groups.
Default Report: The default Report is the Report that the user will be directed to the first time that they open the App. If no default has been set, then the user will be directed to the Report with the lowest display order.
Note: Once a user navigates to a different Report, this preference will override the default option the next time they view the App.
Hidden: This will hide the report from all users. It is commonly used whilst a Report is being reconfigured or if a Report needs to be removed temporarily to be reinstated at a later date.
Use Dashboard: This is where a dashboard created following the above steps can be selected as an app report
Report Visibility: Similar to how app visibility works this can be set to hide your reports from certain users or teams, this can be great for hiding reports from certain teams or guests, for example, if you have employee-based performance reports that you only want management to see so you set it so just that team can see it.
Click here to learn how to create a Dashboard.
Make sure to click the 'Save' button when making any changes in order for them to be added to the next app version. Once you have made all the changes you need to an application you are then ready to publish it to workspace.
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