Network Charts can prove themselves as fantastic visual aids, particularly where projects with wider scopes are concerned. Their strengths lie in the way they are able to translate overall scope into something more digestible; by showing the interdependence of activities and associated workflow, in addition to giving an indication of activity/overall project progress.
Network Chart
Configuration of the above example:
Initially selecting the 'Target Click Through Report' will determine which Report, or Record you are taken to upon clicking on one the of the Network's Nodes. In this case, selecting 'HR' will take you through to the 'HR' Record in the 'WorkPlans' List Report.
1. Network Level - Displays the workflow order/the order that groups of Nodes appear in (from the centre outward). In this example; Business Unit, Team and Title are set with Orders; 1, 2 and 3. Hence you have 'HR' (the Business Unit) closest to the centre Node, followed by 'HR Team' and 'Office Relocation'.
2. Network Aggregate - The data you wish to be displayed upon hovering your mouse over one of the Nodes, here it is the 'Budget'. (See above)
3. Colour - These will serve as the progress indicators and are best chosen as a Status 'MultiState' field, (See here for info on this field type).
NOTE: Colour Nodes can feature anywhere that is applicable on a Network Chart, they don't have to be the outermost nodes. For example, in the above, if desired you could have a 'Colour' Chart Field Type with an order of 2 as opposed to 4.
Report Visibility
Similar to how app visibility works this can be set to hide your reports from certain users or teams, this can be great for hiding reports from certain teams or guests, for example, if you have employee-based performance reports that you only want management to see so you set it so just that team can see it.
Make sure to click the 'Save' button when making any changes in order for them to be added to the next app version. Once you have made all the changes you need to an application you are then ready to publish it to workspace.
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