The visibility of data by other users is affected by a number of factors which we'll talk about below before also talking about how data is made available to other users during synchronisation to user devices and browsers.
Changes made by a user with no Internet connection
This scenario is only applicable to Apps that are configured to be available Offline (see here for instructions). When an internet connection becomes available once more, you can Resync the individual App via the ellipses '...' in the top right corner (see here for instructions). Or if you have made changes across multiple Apps it may be easier to log out and in again in order to Resync all Apps on your Site. When resyncing is complete, the below factors will still influence whether or not Users are able to see the changes that were made:
Record security
It needs noting that data changes (to Records) will never be visible to other users if those users do not have Access Rights to the Records in question. There are three different levels of rights:
- Full - The User can view the Record and edit data within it
- ReadOnly - The User can view the Record but edit no data within it
- None - The User cannot even see the Record in a List Report
See how to set Default Record Access Rights in AppStudio here
See how to alter Record Access at an App Level here
Online only app vs. Offline available app
Subject to the Record Security settings above, users of Online Apps will see changes the moment they are on the server and refresh the page, or open a Record.
Where Apps are set to be Offline enabled, then a current User will only see another User's change(s) once they have been synchronised up to the server and then synchronised back down to the current User's data, (subject to the User making the changes needing an internet connection). In these types of Apps the platform will check for record changes every 20 seconds, thus downloading any detected changes which then become available when the user refreshes the page or opens a record.
Note: When within a list report - changes will not be visible immediately until a refresh or navigation change, (this is to establish consistency, preventing the user from seeing the screen change with new Records or Records disappearing).
Quantity of changes
For small volume changes and standard user entry from other users, there should be very little time between the changes being made and other users seeing them. If a large set of changes are made and if the App has a large number of fields, then the time taken will naturally be longer. This is due to all the changes requiring synchronisation to the server from the User making them, and then then the same synchronisation back to other Users. The process is entirely the same in both Small and Large Volume changes hence, this is purely a volume of data issue, with delays being caused by the time it takes to transfer the data.
Note: Slight delays are most likely to be experienced in instances where large imports of data are undertaken.
Validation Errors
When changes to Record data are made that break validation rules, the changes will not be synchronised to the server until corrections are made to the Records to resolve the validation errors
Any changes to records where validation rules have been broken will never be seen by other users until those validation exceptions have been corrected.
For more information on Validation Errors, how to know if you've got them and how to solve them please see here
App Configuration Errors (Expression Errors)
Similar to Validation errors above - yet they are errors specific to incorrectly structured Expressions (learn more about Expressions here). However an Expression error does ultimately cause a Validation error which has all the associated problems as described above.
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