AREA - Configuration Article
AREASPLIINE - Configuration Article
BAR - Configuration Article
BUBBLE - Configuration Article
CARD - Configuration Article
Card Reports a new style of visualisation of record data that are in the style of cards on a page, where a single record is represented by a "card" and multiple cards are shown on the report page.
They have the benefit of showing summary information, and can be grouped into rows and columns
One of the biggest benefit is the ability to drag and drop cards into different columns / rows which directly changes the data in the record to match the destination point
For example, a tasks app might have a card report shown in columns where the column represents the current status. You could move a card from the "In Progress" column, to the "Done" column which would change the status field within the record, without the need to edit the record directly
Another example might be columns to represent people where the card report was used to assign work.
COLUMN - Configuration Article
CUMULATIVEMATRIX - Configuration Article
GAUGE - Configuration Article
GANTT - Configuration Article
GOOGLEMAP - Configuration Article
LINE - Configuration Article
MAP - Configuration Article
MATRIX - Configuration Article
MONTECARLO - Configuration Article
NETWORK - Configuration Article
PIE - Configuration Article
POLAR - Configuration Article
SCATTER - Configuration Article
SPLINE - Configuration Article
SUMMARY SERIES - Configuration Article
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