This article will take you through some of the customisation options available to give the site a personalised feel. This allows you to brand the platform to match the organisation by adding a company logo to the login screen and
Accessing Site Settings
To access Site Settings first select the launchpad in the top left, then click the COG. Next select 'Site Settings' from the Apps displayed.
Setting the Site Login Image
The Site Login image will be the first image that End Users will see when they access the Site. It appears above the login information and is commonly a company logo. In our example below we have set our login image to be a blue version of the traditional Softools logo.
To set the image go to the 'Site Image' Template under the 'Settings' Form and it will present the option to select an Image Asset from the drop-down list.
Select an Image Asset: This method allows you to upload an the image to be stored on the Site and then reference the image here so that it will display on the login screen. The selection list here will contain all the Image Assets that have been uploaded to the site. To add a new Image Asset see our article here on Assets.
Setting the Site Theme Colours
In the same 'Settings' Form, use the 'Basic Settings' Template to choose four colours to make up the Primary and Secondary Site colour schemes. The colours need to be entered in the format of Hex Colour Codes. This is a # and then 3 or 6 digits between 0 and f to set the colour. e.g. Black = #000, Blue = #2e69b3, Green = #228b22, White = #fff
Note: To toggle between the two sets of Primary and Secondary Site Colours, click the black square in the top-right as seen in the image below.
Theme Colour: The Theme Colour will be the colour of the Header Bar at the top of the screen. It will also set the colour of Field Labels and the colour of certain Field types such as the Harvey Ball multi-state Field.
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