Found by clicking on the cog in the top right, accessing 'My Profile' gives you visibility of all information associated with your personal User account, including: General Profile Info, Permissions, Licensing and Api Key.
^'My Profile' - Accessed via the Cog^
^The 'My Profile' Forms^
Edit Data such as:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Organization
- Department
- Location
- Job Title
- Mobile Phone
- Notes
- Notification Methods
You will also be able to see what Teams your User is a member of at the bottom of this screen, Teams form a critical part of a Site's Security.
Displayed are all the permissions your User account has/does not have. Depending on which ones are assigned, you can perform different Tasks within Apps and the Site in general.
Not all sites will require you to sign a GDPR or Licensing agreement. But if you do have to, then here is where you can see what GDPR and Licensing agreements you agreed to and on what date.
Api Key:
Proving your User account has the correct permission, you are able to generate an api key here in order to integrate Softools with external applications.
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