Action - Configuration Article
An Action will mimic system functionality including navigating to a Child App, adding a Child Record, closing a Record and navigating to a URL in the same or a new browser tab. These buttons are particularly useful when using the App from mobile or tablet when the left pane menu is not always visible.
Aggregate - Configuration Article
The Aggregate Field evaluates on the client dynamically and does not save to record data, this means that you can have a summary value of a number field that can be used in templates and dashboards that doesn't get saved to the record. The benefit of something like this is that it can greatly cut down on the number of expressions that are being run on your apps and the time to sync data. Such App Level Field Types can only be referenced within App Level based Templates.
Attachments - Configuration Article
This presents a list of all attachments on the record, it shows the name, who uploaded it and what date and time it was uploaded. You can click on the cloud icon at the start of the row to download the attachment. You cannot upload via an attachments list, only download
Attachments List - Configuration Article
This presents a list of all attachments on the record, it shows the name, who uploaded it and what date and time it was uploaded. You can click on the cloud icon at the start of the row to download the attachment. You cannot upload via an attachments list, only download
Barcode - Configuration Article
This field allows you to scan a barcode through your camera and then store the data so it can be split out and converted. Supported formats: code_128_reader / ean_reader / ean_8_reader / code_39_reader / code_39_vin_reader / codebar_reader / upc_reader / upc_e_reader / i2of5_reader / 2of5_reader / code_93_reader
Bit - Configuration Article
Presents a tick box that is either ticked or unticked. The values stored for these are ‘true’ and ‘false’ respectively. If a bit Field is created with no default value then the default value for this field will be set to 'false'.
Comments - Configuration Article
This new field type sums a count of the total Comments on a single record when added. This can be particularly useful for project applications that require a good amount of team communication that needs to be recorded with the project. With this field you can then see which records have comments allowing a good overview of which teams are communicating correctly.
Date Time - Configuration Article
& Date - Configuration Article
Date Fields presents a date select Field. Depending on the browser, this will either appear as a pop-up calendar or will require text input in a prescribed format. Date Fields are recognised in report and sorting as dates as opposed to alphabetical sorting. Date Time Fields allow the user to also enter hours, minutes, and seconds. Both Field types are stored in the format yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ.
example 2008-12-16T00:00:00Z
Note: The rendering of date Fields as a calendar pop up is entirely browser specific. The browser takes care of how the Field is rendered, so some browsers may not render a calendar, but most do. Google "HTML5 date Field browser support" to see the specific browser and version support.
Document - Configuration Article
The ‘Document’ feature allows users to upload a document into a field if it is appropriate for a single document to be present as part of a process rather than use the general attachment area. Once uploaded, an icon appears to allow the document to be downloaded or viewed or removed
Draw - Configuration Article
The ‘Draw’ feature allows freehand sketching within a predefined area of a record. There are two main uses for the Draw feature covering signatures and ‘canvas’ sketches, and so are ideal for use on tablets, smartphones and other touch-sensitive devices. The field can span a page and be fill a large amount of the screen so there is ample room.
Email - Configuration Article
Presents a Field for storing an email address. The system will validate that it is a valid email format, and when rendered for the user will allow a single click to launch and send an email from the user’s default mail system.
Embedded Video - Configuration Article
Use this field type to allow a user to specify a video from an external source
e.g. find the video within Youtube, click on Share, then Embed, and copy the part of the link that is within the frame, so for the Softools video:
The embedded element would be ""
This would then render the video in the record:
If the video is on Vimeo, click to on Share / Copy Embed Code and copy the part of the link that is withing the frame.
e.g. Embed Code from Vimeo is <iframe src="" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; fullscreen; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Grid- Configuration Article
A Grid field is a matrix of DataSets and Fields. In contrast to a List field, each cell has a unique ID that can be used in expressions / formula elsewhere in the application. This field type will NOT follow the principles of ‘responsive design’ but will show a horizontal scroll bar at the bottom of the grid. It is ideal for financial tables.
Image - Configuration Article
Presents an uploaded image such as a jpg or png file. The user can upload an image to this Field by dragging a file to the image upload box or choosing a file from their device. This is suited to uploading pictures for profiles. To import the image to the Record drag and drop the image into the image box. The image will be stored as an image Asset. Alternatively, if the image Asset already exists then the image can be assigned to the Field via the Asset ID either by expression or import.
Note: The image Field is available to the user after first save of their Record and when uploading a new image this change is saved at the point of upload.
Tip: Here is a post on how to add an image by default on record create.
Image List - Configuration Article
The Image List Field presents the User with a series of images representing different values for the Field. The User selects a value by clicking on the images which then cycles through the different values. First, you will need to create an Image List. These are similar to Select Lists but will also have a image uploaded against each option. The Image List can then be assigned to the Image List Field that is being created.
In-App Chart - Configuration Article
Presents a graphical Report (chart) within a Record. The Field is simple in that it renders a defined Chart, but the Chart itself needs to be built as a Report within App Studio, following a Three-Step Process.
Integer- Configuration Article
Presents a numeric field where the value is formatted to be complete integers (no decimal places).
List - Configuration Article
Presents an expandable table with multiple Sub Field columns. This is ideal where the number of rows in a grid is unclear – such as a list of items. However, in contrast to a defined Grid where each cell is a unique Field in its own right, cells in a List field cannot be called elsewhere in the App.
List fields are limited in their use as the data within them cannot be easily referenced from elsewhere, and is difficult to change via import and export.
Literal - Configuration Article
Displays plain text for the user. This is ideal for giving clear instructions to users of how to complete the record and to explain the process that they are following when entering data. The text to be displayed to the user will need to be entered in the 'Default Value' box under 'Expressions'.
Default Value: Once you have completed filling in this section save the record and your results will be displayed in the Summary Form.
Long - Configuration Article
Presents a numeric Field that is capable of handling very large integer numbers (in excess of 2 Billion).
Long Text - Configuration Article
Presents an expandable/scrollable text Field where the default number of rows on the screen can be defined. The 'Rows' parameter determines the default size of the Text area when a user views a Record.
Lookup - Configuration Article
Presents a Lookup Field where, depending on the value selected, will populate other Fields by mapping data from another App. A Field is determined as the Search Field which will then slide in a pane where an appropriate record can be selected to map data from.
Step 1: Create the Lookup directory. The values in the Lookup are contained in a separate App that has been classified as a Lookup App in the App Configuration screen. Create an App and add the Fields to this App that will contain the Lookup data.
Step 2: Add the same set of Fields to your current App.
Step 3: Create the Lookup Field. Select the App that you created in Step 1 as the 'Lookup Name' and set the 'Lookup Search Field' to be the Field in the Lookup App that you would like to search for data by. Then add the mappings to say which Fields in the Lookup App map data to which Fields in your application.
This is ideal for choosing a Company, based on the selection of pre-populate addresses and telephones.
Money - Configuration Article
Presents a numeric Field that can be formatted to show the value as currency.
Multi-State - Configuration Article
Presents a field with optional graphical representation in the form of Red, Amber, Green, Blue, Black or Harvey Balls. The different multi-state options range from a two-state field up to a six-state field.
Notes - Configuration Article
Presents a text field where only the latest value is visible on the screen. All earlier values are held in the database and are visible when the user clicks on the Note Pad icon to the right hand side of the the Notes text box.
Number - Configuration Article
Presents a number input field not limited by decimal places and is ideal for use in formulas.
Presents a Field in date entry format and depending on the browser used may also include a date picker that brings back just the Month/Year. The value for this field is stored the in the same format as Date and Date Time Fields, yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ssZ.
Person - Configuration Article
Presents a drop down selection list of all users on the site. This will bring back the Users name in the UI, but will also store the unique Users ID in the database. It also offers an option to filter the options listed by typing in the start of the name. - Support Article
Person by Team - Configuration Article
This functions the same as the above Person Field, yet the drop down will only show people that are in the User's Team(s).
Range - Configuration Article
Presents a numeric scale (i.e. from 1 to 5) but displays it graphically as a slider. If no min and max value has been selected for the range then by default the range will be from 0 to 100.
Selection - Configuration Article
Presents the user with a Field which they can choose one or multiple Field values from a pre-determined finite Select List. Create a Select List and select it as the 'Select List' property for the Field. This list can be created in Settings or via the 'Add/Update' button below the 'Select List' property. A select list will require a unique system ID and a name for the user to find their created list by. To add an item, click on 'Add Item' and set the following three properties:
Text: This is the text that the user will see in the UI when making their selection for the Field
Value: The is the value that will be stored in the database for this field
There are four different types of Selection Field
Select: This allow the User to make one choice from the list of options in the selection Field. The user will click a drop down that will show all of the available selections and then they will choose one. They can then remove their selection back to 'Select an item..' if they want to.
Radio: This Selection type shows all of the options to the user and then they can make a selection of one option. Choosing another option will remove the previous selected option. Once a value has been selected, the user can only choose a new option. They cannot clear their selection.
Checkbox & Listbox: This presents all options to the User and they can then select or deselect the options as they would like. The only difference is in how the data appears. See the image below for an example. For the checkbox this is by clicking the box to the left of the value. For the List box multi-selection and deselection can be made by holding 'Ctrl' whilst making the selection.
Note: If there are seven or more options for the user then the Radio and Checkbox Fields will change to show the options horizontally across the page instead of vertically.
The selection type can depend on what you want to use the data for. Checkbox and Listbox will store the data as an array of items. This is fine if the Field value is only viewed within the Record but does mean that it cannot be used in Reporting. If the values are need to report against then restricting the User to one selection is advisable.
Note: If the select list values are text then the select list Sub Type will also need to be set to 'Text' or the user selections will not be saved. The 'Numeric' Sub Type should only be used if all select list options have numeric values. This is useful if the value for the Field is needed for expressions.
Team - Configuration Article
The team field presents a list of the teams on the site for you to select from, similar to a select list but predefined and on the option of selecting one value.
Text - Configuration Article
Presents a text input field for the user. This field is commonly used for data where each entry will be unique so little to no validation on data entry is required.
Time - Configuration Article
The time Field allows you to capture the time of an event independent of a date. Typical use cases would be to record the times of agenda items in a meeting or a event.
URL - Configuration Article
Presents a text input field that accepts web links. This field will allow the user to click on the live link from within a record.
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